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Power Boat Training

RYA Powerboat Level 2

The RYA Level Two course is one of our most popular courses and the three days gives plenty of time for both practical instruction and theory. Whilst at first glance the syllabus appears very similar to the level one course the extra time available makes a real difference to the depth in which subjects are covered and therefore the amount a student can learn.

Course Duration: 3 Days

Instructor/Student Ratio: 3 students to 1 Instructor and boat. We usually run 2 boats per course the benefit being you get to use different boats and benefit from the interaction with other students. You often will find that you learn as much from watching another student execute a manoeuvre as you do from doing it yourself.

Prior Experience: No prior boating experience is necessary. The course equally suits those new to boating and those who have been boating for years. Most people take Level 2 and bypass Level 1. You do not need to already have Level 1 before you take Level 2.

You must be over 14 at the start of the course. If <18 we must have the parent/guardian's specific permission. 

Book here 

RYA Safety Boat Training

The Safety Boat course is essential if you want to drive our patrol boats and volunteer to support racing or other activities afloat.  To complete this course you must have PB2 qualification and we recommend that you have a logged sufficient hours for your boat handling and seamanship to be of a good standard (for most people this would be around 20 hours as helm). If you are unsure about your level experience - please contact the team and we will discuss it with you.

Course Duration: 2 days

The course has a similar instructor ratio to PB2 but the emphasis is on how to rescue dinghies weather that be capsized Catamarans or dinghies stuck on a Lee Shore.  The course is heavily subsidised by the club and all those completing the course are expected to volunteer for safety boat duty.

Book here 

Last updated 9:26am on 19 March 2025

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