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Pottering, picnicking and fishing with Puffin

This year we would like to trial letting our members use Puffin for pottering around the estuary, fishing and picnicking. Ice creams in Bideford anyone ? If it works over the trial period, and there are no major issues, we will do it again next year.

The process for booking Puffin is similar to hiring club boats: you need to prove you are competent, know the rules, watch the training video, book and pay. 

  • Booking process:

    • Submit your Powerboat Level 2 certificate to the club Secretary for approval (this can take 2-3 days) and only needs to be done once. To submit a photograph of your certificate, login to the website, then go to to upload your certificate. Once you have uploaded your qualifications, use the drop down menu to to request 'NDYC Approved helm'. Safety boat helms just need to email or to add get Puffin booking added to their profile.
    • Review about the guidance on permitting sailing area and the other rules and restrictions (Below)
    • Watch the video on starting and stopping Puffins engine (Hint: it is different to any other boat you have used) 
    • Check the dates on the booking website ( to see if  Puffin is available (and not in use for training and racing), reserve Puffin and pay £50 (you cant book until your Powerboat Level 2 certificate is approved).
  • On the day of your hire:
    • The key will need to be collected from the secretary until a key safe is fitted to the clubhouse. Please return the key after use.
    • Row out to Puffin using your tender or one of the club rowboats. Leave the tender on the mooring when going for a sail so you can row back to shore when the tide comes in
    • Make a note of Puffin's mooring is so you can find it on your return. We recommend you put a pin on your phones map application.
  •      Rules fo hiring Puffin

     All helms must be on the NDYC approved list for motorboats

  •      Puffin is hired for 3 hours before high tide and 1.5 hours.
  •      There is a maximum of 4 people allowed onboard.
  •      Check the weather and tide times before you set off. Puffin's mooring is only accessible 2 hours either side of high tide.  Bring Puffin back before it gets too shallow to get her onto her mooring
  •      Stay within the Permitted Sailing Area
    •      Inside of Inner Pulley buoy
    •      Inside of Bideford Bridge
    •      Inside of Fremington Quay
  •      Wear a life jacket especially when rowing to Puffin and getting in and out of Puffin
  •      Helm must carry a radio or phone in the event of an emergency.
  •      Do not allow ropes and fishing lines to get tangled with the propellor
  •      Take care when anchoring:
    •     Take very great care when moving from the cockpit to the foredeck to reach the anchor. 
    •     When anchoring, use a figure of eight on the cleat to tie the anchor rope.
    •     Always ensure the anchor is tied tight to the foredeck when motoring. 

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Last updated 12:04pm on 9 August 2024

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