Boat Park and Winter Storage
To get your boat registered you must log in the the members portal and update the details of your boat. As a minimum you must enter the length, and beam of the boat and ensure the boat name and type or class is correct. You may like to enter a photograph of your boat and any further details. Whilst on the portal why not update your own data. You can enter your qualifications which may be useful if chartering overseas.
We recommend for your own peace of mind, you check your insurance details to make sure you are adequately covered in the boat park.
Demand for space is greater than ever and while Instow Marine Services will do everything they can to get as many as possible in the Boatpark, no guarantees can be given.
Boat Park Fees.
All tenders must display a current, valid membership sticker, obtained from the Secretary or from behind the bar, upon proof of current membership.
Tenders with stickers may be stored strictly on members' boats. Any and all tenders not on the relevant members' boat may be removed. All tenders stored by the wall adjacent to the slipway must be removed to allow storage of winter racing dinghies. New tie downs will be installed as where they are needed.
The boat park fees for yachts, motorboats or day boats for the winter will be transferring to a rate per area. All boats will have a calculation of length x beam to create an area.
2025/26 winter boat storage will be charged at £11.20 per sq metre.
Last updated 9:26am on 19 March 2025