Recreational Sailing (FOS and Just Sail)
Recreational sailing - ways to get afloat
While many will wish to sail independently, the club also offers some supported recreational
sailing sessions each season. These are a good way to meet other club members. Keep an eye on the club facebook page and also the Club's online calendar
Follow On Sailing - (FOS) Adult
Follow on sailing is open to all members 16 yrs + who have obtained their RYA Adult Level 1 & 2 certificates at the club in the last year. It gives new members the opportunity to build confidence on the water, improve boat handling skills and broaden the conditions in which they are capable of sailing.
Typically each session will start with a brief refresher on a particular aspect of boat handling or sailing theory, boat and crew allocation and the plan for the day. Plus you will get help with rigging, launch and recovery.
It is a great opportunity to try different club boats, (own boats also welcome) and get to know our fabulous estuary all whilst sailing in good company with expert advice and dedicated safety boat cover.
There will be 14 Sessions on Saturdays across the 2025 season. If you are interested in participating please contact Heather Harris on with your phone number, to get added to the FOS WhatsApp group through which all FOS sessions are organised. Places are limited by the number of boats we have available so book your place early.
If you have not recently completed RYA 1&2 at the club but are interested in FOS, please contact the Club Secretary If your sailing experience is suitable and there are spaces available you may also be able to attend FOS.
For example, if you ........
- Already have qualifications in dinghy sailing but haven't sailed for a while
- Are a more experienced sailor who is new to the club and would like to learn about sailing on our waters
- Have a higher qualification but would still like to participate
There is no charge
for FOS (other than membership) but places must be confirmed through the Whatsapp group
The club also runs "Just Sail", group recreational dinghy sailing sessions. These are open to members with the ability to sail independently and are run under standard club rules. Just Sail has a dedicated patrol boat and participants sail in a designated area. It provides an opportunity to sail with and meet other club members. Members can sail their own boats or use the Club boats which will be available for these sessions at a cost per hire.
There will be 27 Sessions on Sundays across the season. If you are interested in participating you can book online via the calendar.
Last updated 11:49am on 21 March 2025