NDYC is seeking support from ALL members to help decarbonise our club and to encourage all members to support the RYA initiative and sign the RYA The Green Blue Pledge click RYA GreenBlue Pledge it only takes a couple of minutes and every 'pledge' is recorded by the RYA against NDYC. Thanks for your support.
We have a new Environmental Policy and an action plan that will be manager in monthly General Committee meetings
Going Green is critical in our UNESCO World Heritage area of North Devon and Lundy and will effect all members in the way you enjoy your sport. This page will provide resources to all members to help improve the way we enjoy the estuary and wider waters off the N Devon Coast. Through this page you can see the improvements we are making. Please follow the links on the page and do check out the RYA The Green Blue website and consider signing the Green Blue Pledge.
NDYC Environmental Working Group
Formed to inform, inspire and enable NDYC and its members to make more environmentally sustainable choices as part of the RYA and British Marine The Green Blue initiative within the scope of the Clubs environmental policy.
We have identified SIX areas for focus:-
1.Encourage best environmental practice
2. Manage our waste, reduce, re-use, recycle
3. Minimise use of water
4. Minimise the use of electricity
5. Manage pollution risks to protect local watercourses
6. Publicise our progress and increase awareness of our environment project
NEWS: Cadet sailors meet the Commodore and were presented with their logbooks/certificates while encouraging parents, grandparents and helpers to support NDYC and sign the #RYA boating pledge https://thegreenblue.org.uk/boating-pledge-entry/ and teams from NDYC joined with Plastic Free North Devon and Saltrock to pick-up litter from the Tarka Trail and around the boat park as part of national Clean-up day 2024. Thanks to all who supported the Instow Beach Clean on 25 January 2025 as part of Plastic Free North Devon 'Day of Action'.
NDYC led by the Cruiser Group (Over the Bar) has adopted the RYA and The Green Blue best practice on antifouling preparation and treatment e.g. Protect Collect Dispose. An RYA guest speaker will be attending a Wednesday evening meeting to discuss antifouling options and best practice. A poll of cruiser group members on antifouling use was conducted in November with results in the attached report

Last updated 9:26am on 19 March 2025