Study Group for RYA theory Courses starts at the club in January
Published 9:58am on 31 Dec 2022
Study Work Group for RYA Theory Courses
This is a study work group running every Wednesday evening from Jan - March at the club starting 7.00 pm. Bar will be open 7.00 - 9.00 pm. The group will be working to assist home study primarily for Day Skipper Theory or Ocean Yacht Master Theory. The evenings are free of charge to all members however if you want the full RYA Certificated course this is available through the club at a discounted price. The club offers a study group to assist home study.
All are welcome at the club for the introductory session on Wednesday 4th January.
Evenings with special talks will be arranged at the club every Wednesday.
It is free to attend any evening but to get formal RYA Certificates and documents you must register and book either direct with any supplier or through the club who have a bulk agreement with a supplier - Click here to book
Last updated 12:04pm on 9 August 2024