In This Newsletter: - Changes at the club - Club Secretary
- On the water from the Rear Commodore
- Boat Park Maintenance Day
- Boat Park Dinghies in Cruisers Afloat!
- Coronation BBQ
- First Aid Course
- New members taster day
- Over the Bar Study Group
We are always looking for new content so share your sailing stories, and pictures with us - news items are always welcome. Changes at the club - Club Secretary Our friendly club secretary has resigned and decided he would rather spend his time sailing than in the office. The general committee have accepted Waynes resignation, and we would like to thank him for all the hard work effort and energy he has put into the club since December 2021. We would like to particularly thank him for always making the time for members and putting them first. We look forward to welcoming him back sailing over the summer once his boat gets back from being fixed, polished and fettled. In the meantime, we welcome Camilla who is temporarily providing administrative support to the club whilst we consider the future staffing needs before we go out to recruitment. The general committee are considering the roles and skills we need now and the future and will report back to members in the next newsletter. On the water from the Rear Commodore As the boat park empties and many yachts and motorboats are taking to the water, the weather is improving, and thoughts turn toward getting afloat so whats on at NDYC in May? It's a busy time for all as boats are launched and dinghies come back to the club. Keep an eye on the Calendar for all events ongoing: - There are several training courses from First Aide to adult dinghy and power boat training happening
- Racing Saturday and summer series
- Bank Holiday and Coronation celebrations in the club house
- New Members and sailing Taster Day on Tuesday 9th evening
- Wednesday evening Over the Bar meetings and study groups
- Follow On sailing and just sail / Youth squad starts
- Race Coach Training weekend
- Middle ridge race
- Lundy race (20th May)
- Carolines Lunches and club Lunches
There is so much happening check out the Calendar for details of all events Boat Park Maintenance Day It's that time of the year again when we all get together for our annual clean up of the boat park and the club. Please save the date and come along to help us keep the club looking ship shape and Bristol fashion. Come along on Saturday 13th May at 09:30 with your wellies, shovels, brooms and your most enthusiastic selves. We will be providing donuts and coffee for the workers. Boat Park Dinghies in, Cruisers and Motorboats afloat! Space is appearing in the boat park after the winters preparations and general bimbling to get us all back on the water. Summer boat park fees are now due, and invoices are flying out the door from sailing club manager and arriving in your inbox. Please pay on-line using the link in the invoices rather than by using the clubs account details as it helps us easily track your payment. If you have any problems, please contact Camilla on info@ndyc.org and she will help with any problems. Please make sure your boat is clearly labelled with the owners name (stickers are available in the office) so we can easily identify your boat. If there is no identification the boats maybe moved to an area pending further identification or removal. Membership There are still a small number of members that have not yet renewed their membership. Please contact the office if you are having difficulty with the system or payment. Those who have not yet paid may find access to the club and facilities restricted over the summer and may not be able to book boats into the boat park next winter. Those identified as not having paid will receive an email shortly requesting action to pay or to contact the office for assistance. If there is an error on the database please contact info@ndyc.org and we will check the system manually. Coronation BBQ Come and celebrate our new King Monday 8th May from 1pm to 3pm. Come and join us for a most excellent BBQ by the master of the meats Keith Heason who will be working his magic over the coals. Please book in via the bar or though barofficer@ndyc.org . The bar will be open from 12pm to 10pm on the day so please come and join us and say hello and enjoy our amazing view, great company, and a fabulously well stocked bar. We will be open the day of the coronation on Saturday 6th May and of course the TV will be on so you wont miss a thing! Caroline will be providing her sumptuous Sunday lunch on Sunday 7th May so please book in with her on carolinewoodcatering@hotmail.co.uk New Member Taster Day Tuesday 9th May 19:00-22:00
Are you a new member? Then come along and we'll show you the ropes! A warm welcome to the club, please join us and we will tell everything you need to know to get you set up and sailing, boating or socialising here at the yacht club. Come and meet our members, and our new members fleet captain Heather who is ready to pass on her knowledge about anything you might need to know. Wednesday evening Over the Bar meetings and study groups The hugely successful winter informal study groups have been so popular that we have been asked to keep them going over the summer. The new format is every two weeks and if you are interested in local knowledge improving your seamanship, navigation or study skills for your day skipper, yacht master or any other RYA course this is the place to be. Great speakers, interesting chats and the bar is open and hopefully the sun will be shining. What better way to spend a warm summer evening than enjoying the views supping your favourite tipple and topping up your skills. Keep an eye on the Calendar to keep you posted of everything going on. |